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Showing posts from May 17, 2020

Machines and Humans

Machines and Humans muTu's Note - Read and Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes With the development of science and technology, machines are being used in almost all areas of our lives. 随着科学技术的发展,机器被广泛应用到我们生活的各个领域。很多人禁不住会问:机器是否最终将取代人类? 对于这个问题,主要有两种不同的答复。一些人认为,一些自动化机器,比如电子计算机,将会在很多方面取代人;然而,另一些人则认为人类才是生产的决定因素,他们永远不会被任何机器所取代。 不管机器有多么现金,它们都不会取代人类,因为正是人类生产了众多的机器。我们是机器的主人,而不是它们的奴仆。 Tips: There are Chinese translations here, but they are hidden. you need to leave your own translation or other content in the comment box and Refresh to view it. from WordPress

US teacher in China

US teacher in China muTu's Note - Read and Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes Dennis Needham, a teacher from the US who has lived in Shizuishan, Ningxia Hui autonomous region, for 17 years, said he will stay in China forever if possible. Dennis Needham teaches a class to students at Ningxia College of Science and Technology in the Ningxia Hui autonomous region. 丹尼斯·李约瑟(Dennis Needham)是一名来自美国的教师,已经在宁夏回族自治区石嘴山市生活了17年,他表示,如果可能,他将永远留在中国。 2003年,李约瑟在安提瓜和巴布达担任英语教师后前往中国。虽然他本可以选择在北京工作,但他决定去宁夏,一个充满神秘的地方,甚至对许多中国人来说也是如此。 他现在宁夏科技学院外国语系工作。他在校园里算是名人了,他的幽默和对教学的热情受到了许多学生的钦佩。 “我对这座城市的第一印象是这里的人非常友好,”李约瑟说。“我觉得这里的一切都很好,我非常喜欢在这里工作。” 他喜欢与学生交流,提高他们的英语水平,并与其他老师分享经验。 由于他对宁夏的贡献,他在2008年被授予六盘山友谊奖,这是当地政府向该地区的外国人颁发的最高荣誉。 李约瑟喜欢在假期环游中国,但他最喜欢的地方总是宁夏和这所大学。 他说,他的家人和兄弟姐妹建议他考虑退休后留在哪里。 他没有远大抱负:他说如果可以的话,他宁愿在石嘴山度过余生。 Tips: There are Chinese translations here, but they are hidden. you need to leave your own translation or other content in the comment box and Refresh to view it. from WordPress

The Great Wall Introduction in English

The Great Wall Introduction in English muTu's Note - Read and Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes The Great Wall, one of the Wonders of the World, is the longest wall in the world. It is actually over six thousand kilometers long, about seven meters high and four to five meters wide. 作为世界奇观之一的万里长城是世界上最长的墙,长6000公里,高约7米,宽4-5米。 长城最早建于春秋时期,距今约2500年。秦朝时代,这些分散的城墙被连接起来,形成今天的长城。长城完全是人工建造的,因为当时根本没有任何机械,成千上万的民工在建造过程中丧命。迄今为止,长城已经被多次重修,并且成为著名的旅游胜地。 长城每天迎接许多来自世界各地的旅游者。长城是中国人民的骄傲。 Tips: There are Chinese translations here, but they are hidden. you need to leave your own translation or other content in the comment box and Refresh to view it.   from WordPress

A Letter to the University President

A Letter to the University President muTu's Note - Read and Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes I am a sophomore in the Department of Computer Science. I am really sorry to take up your precious time, but I think as a member of our university, I have the responsibility to make it better. 我是本校计算机系的一名大二学生。非常抱歉占用您宝贵的时间,但是我认为作为学校的一员,我有责任使它变得更好。最近,我觉得我实在难以忍受学习食堂的状况。 众所周知,食堂服务直接关系到学生的身体健康。但是,我们学校食堂的服务实在是难以令人满意。首先,食堂饭菜的品种过于单调。我们班上一位来自广州的学生甚至说,如果食堂状况没有改善的话,他可能会饿死,因为他实在很难找到合胃口的饭菜。更糟糕的是,每次去食堂,我们都得忍受服务员的白眼。尽管我们拥有宽敞明亮的食堂,但在那里就餐我们却没有丝毫乐趣。 真希望您能帮助我们改善食堂的服务,期待着有一天我们重新树立起对它的信心。 Tips: There are Chinese translations here, but they are hidden. you need to leave your own translation or other content in the comment box and Refresh to view it.   from WordPress

A Picnic In the Countryside

A Picnic In the Countryside muTu's Note - Read and Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes Last week we went to the countryside to have a picnic. We bought some sandwiches, fruit, and water for lunch. We started out quite early before there was too much traffic. After two hours’ driving, we came to a nice place. It was at the foot of a hill and near a river, with some large trees beside it. As it was a very hot day, we parked the car under a big tree and went for a swim in the river. The water was refreshing. After having a swim we had lunch in the cool shade under the trees. Then we went for a  walk. We saw some beautiful birds and butterflies. After walking for about an hour we returned to the car. However, we couldn’t get the car started. Finally, we had pushed the car off the road and wait for help. Of course, the car’s breaking down spoilt our picnic in the end! Tips: There are Chinese translations here, but they are hidden. you need to leave your own translation or other content in...

Do Lucky Numbers Really Bring Good Luck?

Do Lucky Numbers Really Bring Good Luck? muTu's Note - Read and Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes Some people think lucky numbers like “6” or “8” will bring them good luck because they bear a similar pronunciation to the related Chinese characters which means good luck. As a result, some young couples choose a date in which there is a “6” or “8” to hold their wedding, while many shops choose such dates to celebrate their opening ceremony. However, it is rather ridiculous to think numbers can bring good fortune to people. One’s success has nothing to do with the number one chooses but is rather related to one’s own efforts. Numbers are only numbers. We should not attach too much importance to them. If you really think a lucky number can bring good luck to you, simply choose it, but still don’t forget to go out of your way to make your own effort. Without your own contribution, good luck won’t simply fall on you automatically. Tips: There are Chinese translations here, but they are h...