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Showing posts from December 6, 2020

Blood is thicker than water Relatively Speaking ChengYu

Blood is thicker than water Relatively Speaking ChengYu muTu Note - Learn Chinese with Chinese Girl Blood is thicker than water: This well-worn chestnut is one of few idioms to take the exact same form in English and Chinese (血浓于水), though it is not clear if the phrase s in the two languages are related. Given the importance Chinese traditionally placed on family lineage, it is not surprising that many four-character idioms ( chengyu ) exist to describe one’s ties to blood relatives, or 亲戚 (qīn qi). Whether they reward you with “red envelopes” at Chinese New Year, or pepper you with intrusive questions, everyone has relatives, and can appreciate the following phrase s: 骨肉至亲 Flesh and blood kin 骨肉, literally “bone and flesh,” is a metaphor for one’s blood relatives that appears in many family-related chengyu . This idiom describes one’s closest relatives, whether by lineage or emotional ties: Gǔ ròu zhì qīn yīng tuán jié. 骨肉至亲应团结。 Blood relatives should be united. 六亲不认 Disowni...

Let’s Travel to Hainan in Winter

Let’s Travel to Hainan in Winter muTu Note - Learn Chinese with Chinese Girl 场景:大卫从广州出差回来,约李丽一起吃饭 Scene: David came back from a business trip in Guangzhou and asked Li Li to have dinner with him 人物:大卫和李丽 Characters: David and Li Li 大卫:广州真是个好地方。城市很漂亮,好吃的东西也很多。 李丽:天气热吗? 大卫:很热。现在是秋天了,北京已经凉快了,但是广州还是很热。 李丽:中国的地方大,所以南方跟北方的气候很不一样。 大卫:没错。秋天还是在北京舒服。 李丽:对,秋天是北京最好的季节。不过,再过一个月,天气就冷了。 大卫:北京的冬天有多冷? 李丽:肯定比你的家乡冷多了。到时候你就知道了。 大卫:对了,今年冬天我有两周的假期,去哪儿旅游比较好呢? 李丽:冬天去海南吧。海南在中国的最南边,有阳光和沙滩,最适合冬天度假。 大卫:你有假期的话,跟我一起去吧。 李丽:好啊,希望今年能有假期。 课文 Text Dà wèi :Guǎngzhōu zhēn shì gè hǎo dìfang. Chéngshì hěn piāoliang,hǎochī de dōngxi yé hěnduō. 大 卫: 广 州 真 是 个 好 地方。城市 很 漂亮, 好吃 的 东西 也 很多。 Lǐ Lì :Tiānqì rè ma? 李 丽:天气 热 吗? Dà wèi :Hěn rè. Xiànzài shì qiūtiān le,Běijīng yǐjīng liángkuai le,dànshì Guǎngzhōu háishì hěnrè. 大卫: 很 热。现在 是 秋天了,北京 已经 凉快 了,但是 广州 还是 很热。 Lǐ Lì :Zhōngguó de dìfang dà ,suóyǐ nánfāng gēn běifāng de qìhòu hěn bù yíyàng. 李 丽:中国 的 地方 大,所以 南方 跟 北方 的 气候 很 不 一样。 Dà wèi :Méicuò. Qiūtiān hái...

Can a One Year Old Decide Their Own Career?

Can a One Year Old Decide Their Own Career? muTu Note - Learn Chinese with Chinese Girl If you thought declaring your major as a college freshman(大学新生,dà xué xīn shēng) was a lot of pressure, try deciding your career path at just one year old! The adorable ceremony that I’m referring to is called Zhuazhou (抓周,zhuā zhōu), a tradition that’s been taking place in China since the Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911) and was mainly a tradition celebrated among noble families(贵族,guì zú). The Zhuazhou ceremony(仪式,yí shì) is where various objects, each representing a different career path(职业道路,zhí yè dào lù), are placed around either a large table or on the bed. Then like a turtle race, the crawling baby is set loose and close family and friends watch as the birthday boy or girl crawls(爬行,pá xíng) toward all the various objects around him/her. Then based on what the baby selects(选择,xuǎn zé) first, it was believed that object was an indication(暗示,àn shì) of their future career path. Back in the anci...