Chinese Diary Entry: clear snow muTu Note - Learn Chinese with Chinese Girl When I got up and look out from the window, I found, to my great surprise, it was snowing heavily. I was very excited since it was the first snowfall this winter. 起床后我往窗外看去,惊讶的发现正在下大雪。我很兴奋,因为这是今年第一场雪。 我很快穿上衣服,跑到院子里。一些孩子已经在那里了。我们堆雪人,滚雪球,打雪仗,又笑又喊,开心极了。突然,我们注意到,由于厚厚的积雪,公共汽车和小汽车开得很慢。“为什么我们不去扫雪呢?”有人建议。听了他的话,我们跑去拿来工具,开始扫雪。我们扫了整整一个早晨,路上的雪被清扫干净了,我们高兴地回家了。 When I got up and look out from the window, I found, to my great surprise, it was snowing heavily. I was very excited since it was the first snowfall this winter. I quickly got dressed and ran into the yard. Some kids were already there. We made some snowmen and rolled snowballs. We also enjoyed the fun of having snowball fights. Laughing and shouting, all of us were so happy. Suddenly we noticed that buses and cars were moving slowly because of the heavy snow. “Why don’t we go to clear the snow?” Someone suggested. At these words, we ran to fetch tools and be...
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