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Showing posts from June 28, 2020

My Happy Childhood

My Happy Childhood muTu Note - Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes I grew up in a small village. I am the second child in my family. I have an elder sister. She is two years older than me. 我是在一个小村子里长大的。我在家中排行第二,我还有一个姐姐,她比我大两岁。我们的房子就在小村的大街上,所以我常常看到街上人来人往。村里有农民、渔夫和一些商人。 我和姐姐总是和隔壁的孩子玩,他们的父亲是一位小学教师。有时候我们会在屋里玩,因为太吵闹,我的母亲就会让我们到屋外去玩。那时,我们就会到海边去捉螃蟹和蛤蜊,寻找美丽的贝壳。我们也喜欢在海滩上彼此追逐嬉戏。有风的时候,我们喜欢到海边放风筝。 回顾早年在乡村度过的生活,我觉得我度过了一个愉快的童年。 I grew up in a small village. I am the second child in my family. I have an elder sister. She is two years older than me. Our house is on the main street of the village, so I always saw a lot of people in the street. There were farmers, fishermen, and merchants in the village. My sister and I used to play with the children next-door. Their father is an elementary school teacher. Sometimes, when we played together in the house, we made so much noise that my mother wanted us to play outside, so we went to the seashore to look for crabs and clams, and pretty seashells, too. Also,...

What do you know about Dragon Boat Festival

What do you know about Dragon Boat Festival muTu's Note - Read and Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes The 5th day of the 5th month of the lunar year is an important day for the Chinese people. The day is called Duan Wu Festival, or Dragon Boat Festival, celebrated everywhere in China. This festival dates back to about 2,000 years ago with a number of legends explaining its origin. The best-known story centers on a great patriotic poet named Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan and Dragon Boat Festival In the Warring States Period (475-221BC), the State of Qin in the west was bent on annexing the other states, including the state of the Chu, home of Qu Yuan. Holding the second-highest office in the state, Qu Yuan urged that the Chu State should resist Qin and ally with the State of Qi to the east. This was opposed by Zhangyi, a minister of the State of Qin who was trying to disrupt any anti-Qin alliances. He seized upon an incident with a jealous court official in the Chu to get rid of Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan h...

Festive China: Dragon Boat Festival

Festive China: Dragon Boat Festival muTu's Note - Read and Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes The Dragon Boat Festival falls on Thursday this year, which is the fifth day of the fifth month on the Chinese lunar calendar. Festive China: Dragon Boat Festival 今年的端午节是周四,也就是中国农历五月初五。 关于这个有2000年历史的节日有很多传说,但最著名的是纪念战国时期(公元前475-221年)楚国爱国诗人屈原的逝世。 据说屈原一生都是忠诚爱国的。当他意识到楚国的衰落已经无法挽回时,他知道自己再也救不了它的悔恨之情愈来愈强烈。农历五月初五,他投河自尽,为热爱的祖国牺牲。 Tips: There are Chinese translations here, but they are hidden. you need to leave your own translation or other content in the comment box and Refresh to view it. from WordPress