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Showing posts from May 31, 2020

Guilin’s scenery is the best under heaven

Guilin’s scenery is the best under heaven muTu's Note - Read and Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes “Guilin’s scenery is the best under heaven,” a popular Chinese saying goes. It’s a city in Southwest China’s Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region 中国有句俗语说:“桂林山水甲天下。”桂林是中国西南部广西壮族自治区的一座城市,位于漓江西岸,北与湖南省接壤。 除了令人惊叹的喀斯特地貌,桂林还拥有可以追溯到1万年前的悠久历史。桂林是中国许多民族的家园,如壮族、苗族、瑶族和侗族,桂林也是全球游客的首选目的地。 在首尔中国文化中心发起的在线展览中,在桂林周边拍摄的60张照片向韩国人民展示了它独特的美丽。2019年,共有29.2万韩国游客前往桂林旅游,使其成为桂林最大的国际市场。 Tips: There are Chinese translations here, but they are hidden. you need to leave your own translation or other content in the comment box and Refresh to view it. An online photo exhibition featuring the landscape of Guilin, Southwest China’s Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, is being held by the China Cultural Center in Seoul. An online photo exhibition featuring the landscape of Guilin, Southwest China’s Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, is being held by the China Cultural Center in Seoul. An online photo exhibition feat

A Girl’s Problem

A Girl’s Problem muTu's Note - Read and Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes Like most of my schoolmates, I have neither brothers nor sisters—— in other words, I am the only child of my family. My parents love me dearly of course 像我的大多数同学一样,我既没有兄弟也没有姐妹,换句话说,我是独生子女。父母当然很爱我,尽他们所能让我受良好的教育,拥有幸福的生活。在家里他们不让我做任何家务,而让我把时间都用于学习,希望我所有的科目都拿到好成绩。 我们是一家人,生活在同一屋檐下,可是我们很少有时间交流。看上去父母似乎对我像对来访者或者客人一样。他们真正了解他们的女儿吗?我想知道别的家庭是怎样的。 Tips: There are Chinese translations here, but they are hidden. you need to leave your own translation or other content in the comment box and Refresh to view it. My parents consider me as their only hope and it brings me pressure. 我父母把我当作他们唯一的希望,这给我带来了压力。 I ofter feel lonely even with my parents at home. 即便和父母一起在家里,我也经常感到孤独。 from WordPress

Food documentaries in China, Do you know Li Ziqi

Food documentaries in China, Do you know Li Ziqi muTu's Note - Read and Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes Li Ziqi(李子柒), a Chinese internet celebrity(网红,wǎng hóng) who cooks in village became the first Chinese-language creator with more than 10 million followers on YouTube. Subscribers(订阅者,dìng yuè zhě) watch(观看,guān kàn) her in the quiet countryside(农村,nóng cūn), farming, picking and finally, turn that freshness into delicious dishes. Ten years ago, CCTV’s food documentary “A Bite of China(《舌尖上的中国》)”, ushered in the “public age” of Chinese documentaries(纪录片,jì lù piàn) and spurred the creation of food documentaries(美食纪录片). According to incomplete(不完全的,bù wán quán de) statistics, after the popularity of “A Bite of China”, more than 100 food documentaries have been made in the past few years, which is a prosperous scene(繁荣景象,fán róng jǐng xiàng) never seen in the country’s food documentary industry. “There is no country in the world that has a food story like this.” Zhang Tongdao, dir

da yuan chang 打圆场

da yuan chang 打圆场 muTu's Note - Read and Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes 人与人之间有时难免会产生摩擦,这个时候如果有第三者出现“打个圆场”,往往就能化解尴尬。 “打圆场”,中文俗语,意思是以特定的话语去缓和紧张气氛、调节人际关系,出面替双方调解纠纷、处理尴尬局面,可以翻译为“mediate a dispute,smooth things over”。   例句: tā hěn huì tì rén dǎ yuán chǎng 他很会替人打圆场。 He is a good mediator. hā dí fū rén gǎn jǐn wèn kè rén jià qī guò de zěn me yàng,tì zì jǐ de yán bù dé tǐ dǎ yuán chǎng 哈迪夫人赶紧问客人假期过得怎么样,替自己的言不得体打圆场。 Mrs Hardie hurried to make up for her tactlessness by asking her guest about his holiday. from WordPress

Chinese Government Scholarship-Chinese University Program

Chinese Government Scholarship-Chinese University Program muTu's Note - Read and Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes Chinese University Program is a full scholarship for designated Chinese universities and certain provincial education offices in specific provinces or autonomous regions to recruit outstanding internation al students for graduate studies in China. It only supports graduate students. I    Supporting Categories, Duration, and Instruction Language Supporting Category . This scholarship only supports graduate students. Duration . This scholarship only supports master’s students for no more than 3 academic years or doctoral students for no more than 4 academic years. The scholarship covers both major study and Chinese language/preparatory study , as specified in the Admission Letter . Instruction Language Scholarship students can register for either a Chinese-taught program or English-taught program if applicable. (Program Search   can help you find the program and