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Showing posts from November 15, 2020

How to talk About Covid19 Pandemic with Chinese

How to talk About Covid19 Pandemic with Chinese muTu Note - Learn Chinese with Chinese Girl If you’re learning Chinese, and have Chinese friends , family, or coworkers, you may have been wanting to check in with them, to see how they’re doing amid the pandemic. You can learn how to chat about life during the pandemic with Chinese people you know! 小美:张明,你最近怎么样啊?还好吗? xiǎo měi: zhāng míng nǐ zuì jìn zěn me yàng a hái hǎo ma Xiao Mei: Zhang Ming, how have you been lately? Have you been OK? 张明:你好小美,好久没联系了! zhāng míng: nǐ hǎo xiǎo měi hǎo jiǔ méi lián xì le Zhang Ming: Hi Xiaomei, it’s been a while since we’ve talked last! 张明:我这边还不错,你呢? zhāng míng: wǒ zhè biān hái bù cuò nǐ ne Zhang Ming: I’ve been pretty good. How about you? 小美:我也是,你们家里人都好吗? xiǎo měi: wǒ yě shì nǐ mén jiā lǐ rén dōu hǎo ma Xiao Mei: Me too. How is your family? 张明:我们家里人都很好,谢谢你的关心! zhāng míng: wǒ men jiā lǐ rén dōu hěn hǎo xiè xie nǐ de guān xīn Zhang Ming: Our family is great. Thanks for being concerned!

My views on the development of private car ownership

My views on the development of private car ownership muTu Note - Learn Chinese with Chinese Girl With improved social developments, more and more Chinese families are beginning to afford private cars. 随着社会的发展,越来越多的中国家庭能够买得起私人轿车。然而,对于是否应该发展私人轿车,人们的观点则各有不同。 在有些人看来,私人轿车给他们提供了很大的便利和灵活性,人们不再依赖公共交通,他们可以随心所欲地去自己想去的地方。然而,发反对者则认为私人轿车使城市的交通状况更为糟糕,到处都出现堵车现象;并且,过多的私人轿车及大地污染了空气。 在我看来,私人轿车数量的增加是我国现代化的一个标志,但是我们 应该制定相关政策来严格控制私人轿车。 With improved social developments, more and more Chinese families are beginning to afford private cars. Yet opinion s of whether we should develop private car ownership or not differ from person to person. In some people’s eyes, private cars offer them great convenience and mobility. People no longer have to depend on public transportation and they can go wherever they want. However, opponents of this idea think that private cars make the situation of city traffic even worse. There are already so many traffic jams. What’s more, so many private cars greatly pollute t