How to give gift to Chinese girl muTu Note - Learn Chinese with Chinese Girl Do you know how to give gift to Chinese girl or other people in the world? 无论是为了某个特别的节日,还是为了表达感谢,抑或是为了让对方明白你很在乎,赠送礼物都是人类共同的习俗。各地赠礼的目的也许相近,但赠礼的传统却因国而异。在某地表示尊重的赠礼行为,在另一个地方看来则可能会被视为无礼。一起看看世界各地独一无二的赠礼传统吧。 In Europe, don’t accidentally cut yourself out of someone’s life.在欧洲,别不小心与人一刀两断。 Here in the US, a set of kitchen knives seems like the perfect gift idea for a wedding or holiday. However, in certain European countries like Germany, superstition dictates that a knife present ed as a gift will sever your friendship. There is a way to beat this superstition: Tie a penny to the knife or gift box. The receiver then returns the penny to you as a “payment” to nullify the bad luck. 在美国,一套厨房刀具似乎是十分理想的婚礼或节日礼物。然而在某些欧洲国家,如德国,迷信让人们相信赠送刀具会割断朋友之间的友谊。打破这种迷信的办法是:在刀或礼品盒上绑一枚硬币。收礼人把硬币还给赠礼之人以示“付款”,用以抵消厄运。 In Britain, diamonds are 60th wedding anniversary gifts.在英国,60周年结婚纪念日礼物是钻石。 Lottery tickets are bought and exchanged h...
There are some english compositions write by Chinese.On the one hand ,you can read these compositions to know more Chinese culture ,and the other hand ,you can learn Mandarin .So if you have any problem about China or Chinese ,just give me messages and I will write back to you .