The harm of fake commodities muTu Note - Learn Chinese with Chinese Girl With rapid economic development, fake commodities have rushed into our life and greatly affected the normal market order. As can be seen, fake commodities 随着经济的快速发展,假货已经充斥着我们的生活并极大地影响力正常的市场秩序。我们可以看到,假货不仅对消费者,也对生产者带来了很大的危害。 但是,假货为什么如此盛行?一方面,一些商人一味赚钱而不惜冒险生产和销售假货,一些消费者也图便宜而购买假货;另一方面,对于制假的处罚不足以使违规者停止造假。因此,如今的市场充斥着诸如食品、服装和药品之类的假货。 假货使得许许多多的人感到困惑和惊慌:他们不再有安全感。真是太可怕了!我认为现在正是我们采取措施净化社会的时候了。 With rapid economic development, fake commodities have rushed into our life and greatly affected the normal market order. As can be seen, fake commodities are greatly harmful to both the consumers and the manufacturers. But why have fake commodities become so common? For one thing, some businessmen take risks producing and selling fake goods just for the purpose of making money, and some customers buy those products because of the lower prices. For another thing, the punishment for producing fake goods is not severe enough to s...
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