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Showing posts from October 15, 2017

真正的冠军 The Real Champion

The Real Champion As the Rio Olympic Games has begun, every day, people pay a lot of attention to the matches. The media make all kinds of prediction and they put the great hope of their country’s players to win the champion. When the player gets the first prize, the whole country’s cheering is for him and the media report him with all kinds of praised words. But, when the player gets the second place or lower rank, people will not pay much attention to him and the media just report him with a few words. The different attitudes towards the champion and other ranks distort people’s view of value. Actually, every player who fights for the country is the real champion. They deserve to be respected, regardless of their ranks. They have worked so hard to stand on this stage and they are the heroes. Translate: 翻译:


      每到饭点,城市的大街小巷、商厦楼宇就会出现外卖小哥奔忙的身影。当我们享受着“美味不用等”的便捷时,可曾想到这背后的辛苦与风险?近日,有数据显示,2017年上半年,上海市送餐外卖行业发生伤亡交通事故共76起,“饿了么”和“美团”各占26%。透过上海一地的数据,“速度与激情”背后的安全漏洞可见一斑。难怪有人说,外卖小哥是在“拿生命送餐”。       一个“快”字,可以说是外卖行业的立身之本,由此衍生的速度要求堪称苛刻。而现实中,附着在送餐时间链条上的不确定因素却不少。比如,用餐高峰期,接单商家还要兼顾堂食,往往会延长外卖的出餐时间;送餐路上,交通路况、天气条件、电梯门禁等等,每个变量都影响着抵达的速度。然而,对于不少用户而言,如是种种都不是美食迟到的借口。在用户差评和“一路狂奔”的安全风险之间,送餐员们往往更担心前者,因为那意味着远超收入的罚款。只是,在这场“对赌”中,骑手们的侥幸心理未必每次都能成功。       是谁为外卖小哥按下了“加速键”?表面看是那嘀嗒作响的倒计时,实际是激烈竞争的外卖平台以及简单粗暴的盈利模式。三年前,资本视外卖这一领域为风口,“美团”“饿了么”“百度外卖”等不约而同地开启了声势浩大、旷日持久的价格战。据统计,曾经的三大平台全国日订单量约达2000万单。面对如此庞大的市场,烧钱补贴用户的路子走不通了,拼服务就成为重要着力点,而准点率则是重中之重。在“多送多得”的逻辑下,外卖小哥自然是期盼多接订单。外卖平台也恰恰利用了这一心理,与其形成了你情我愿的默契。这种业绩考量不乏合理之处,但“唯快是图”也无异于变相鼓励忽视安全风险的投机之举。然而,平台将本应承担的责任转嫁成为社会风险,有失信失责之嫌;为了盈利只顾惠及客户而忽视送餐员的权益,有失德失誉之忧。       是时候让疾驰的外卖小哥稳下来了。目前,上海、深圳等地均在探索监管模式。比如,每月向社会公布各外卖送餐企业涉及交通违法总量及违法率,对于排名靠前的企业进行约谈。这无疑是个有益的开始。为外卖小哥降速,接下来需要更多主体的参与、更多措施的发力,从根本上改变外卖平台“唯快”背后的“唯利”逻辑。外卖平台是否可以设立更为人性的考核机制,让外卖小哥...

如何克服困难 How to Get Over Difficulty

How to Get Over Difficulty Since I went to middle school, I had told myself that I was not a little kid anymore. I needed to grow up. So the first thing is not to ask my parents for help at the first time. I should take some time to think about the difficulty and then figure out the solution. If I ask my parents immediately, I will never be mature, as I always want to depend on them. But if I can’t solve the problem, I will turn to my friends for help. They can give me some advice and I will make my own judgment. At last, the suggestion from my parents won’t be ignored. It is the most useful. Translate: 翻译:


开学季,有关陪读的话题又热了起来。某知名中学周边,陪读房已“一房难求”,粗略统计,校内房三年租金高达24万;一套距离市中心20多公里的房子租出了比市中心还高的价格,唯一的原因就是旁边有一所优质中学,一掷千金求租的人,皆为陪读而来……从农村到县城,再从县城到大城市,陪读家庭如游牧般举家迁徙,不为追逐丰美的水草,只以心中优质的教育资源为目标,择校而居。 对于陪读,这一发端于上世纪80年代末的现象,许多家庭都不陌生。中国社科院的相关统计显示,我国36.8%的家庭存在父母陪读的现象,覆盖从小学、中学、大学到硕士、博士的全部阶段,而十多年前播出的电视剧《陪读》也细致呈现了“望子成龙”的人间悲喜,将剧中父母为了孩子学习付出的沉重代价,刻画得淋漓尽致。 根据陪读的表现形态,大体可分为临时性陪读、阶段性陪读、隐匿性陪读、全程性陪读等几类。临时性陪读主要指家长在工作之余,在孩子接受课外辅导过程中给予的陪同;阶段性陪读指在孩子学习的关键时期,如升学、高考等阶段的陪同;隐匿性陪读是指家长看似工作,实则以工作名义陪读;全过程陪读多为生活在农村的家长为照顾远离家乡求学的孩子,举家迁徙的陪读。多种陪读样态也催生了“陪读经济”。以位于安徽六安市大别山深处的毛坦厂镇为代表,一所学校拉动了一个地区的经济,学期中,镇内人声鼎沸,一放假,人去城空,学校成了一座城的“心脏”与“晴雨表”。而培训机构门口的咖啡厅与小卖部、小吃店的人流如织;优质学校附近房屋的紧俏与价格的畸高,等等,都是“陪读经济”的样貌。 多元的陪读现象,折射的正是复杂的教育图景。优质教育资源仍不够均衡,是“陪读大军”产生的根本原因。尽管随着教育投入的增加、教育均衡的推进,教育资源校际、城乡、区域间不均衡的状况已经大大改观,但优质教育资源的高位均衡距离公众期待仍有差距。良禽择木而栖,望子成龙的家长自然也会择名校而居。再加上部分家庭对于升学与应试的过度追求,一切与学习无关的事情都该由父母包办的错误教育观和成长观,家长也就被裹挟进陪读队伍。 打量陪读现象,从来都不应只在教育维度进行。因为整个社会的文化与心态,成才观、价值观以及城镇化的进程、城市教育文化等公共资源的布局,都将对家长的心态和选择产生重要影响。反过来,家长的教育选择也会反作用于地区的教育发展。从这个角度来说,看待陪读现象,决不能简单以一句“可怜天下父母心”待之。而缓...

良好的阅读习惯 The Good Reading Habit

The Good Reading Habit I like reading novel books very much, and now I have read a lot of books. Thanks to my parents, they lead me the road to fall in love with these amazing books. I open my vision and learn a lot outside the class. Every day before I sleep, I will take out the books and read them for an hour. This good habit helps me to know more about the world. Translate: 翻译:


“知识渊博、表达风趣,讲得还很有代入感”“偏专业的内容,被他们讲得活色生香”……正在浙江省博物馆进行的“蓝瑛作品及其师承影响特展”上,现场20余位志愿者轮番上岗讲解,被热情的观众明星般簇拥着,成为亮眼的景观。有观众来“二刷”,就是想听听不同的讲解版本;也有游客错过了上午的解说,下午早早就来等着。展览中《富春山居图·剩山图》这样的名作,因为志愿者的讲述而更加立体、更为动人。 志愿者已成为大型博物馆服务公众的重要力量,也体现着公共文化机构的社会性和公益性。故宫博物院自2004年开始,累计注册志愿者近3000人次,服务公众60万人次、13万小时。有一位高中生根据自己当志愿者的经历,为故宫导览提出“分众化”讲解、“大文化”视野、“思辨性”互动的建议。在世界范围内,大英博物馆的志愿者从上世纪80年代后期的几个人增加到现在的600多人;日本也在持续建设文化志愿者队伍,推广终身学习理念。这些志愿者的服务活动,是公民参与文化生活的重要形式,也让“文化”二字,更有了现代文明的意蕴。 既让专业的人做专业的事,又让有兴趣的人更多地参与其中,志愿者为博物馆注入了鲜活而多元的力量。其实,每一次志愿服务都是综合性文化服务,比如讲解丝绸的历史,不能只懂得丝织技艺、蚕桑文化等,还要掌握语言表达、服务技巧甚至应急处置能力。浙博的“乾隆特展”,开展前三个月就提前向社会公开招募志愿者,涵盖了高校学生、文艺工作者、教师等人群,还安排了礼仪、传统文化、文物知识等培训。志愿服务不仅是服务人数的“物理叠加”,更有服务内涵延伸、文化影响力和感染力提升的“化学作用”。在向外辐射文化光芒的过程中,博物馆与志愿者一起,提升了整个社会的文化水位。 文化志愿者传递着知识,也传递着精神。实际上,志愿者存在的价值不仅在于文化服务,而且是要让观众“共同参与学习并享受乐趣”,这样才有更精彩、更深刻的文化体验。“乾隆特展”中有一位叫钟觉辰的志愿者,本职工作是童书编辑,为了做好讲解,他花了近半个月时间查阅资料,在统一讲解文本基础上又写了一份讲解稿,一遍下来要一两个小时,观众听得兴致勃勃。在首都博物馆,志愿者张鹏当了14年讲解员,收获了一大批粉丝,还制作了微信公众号分享文博知识。这些志愿者就像沟通文化与公众的一座桥,促进全社会文化建设的共识和自觉。 中国的博物馆志愿者队伍还在发展中,各地、各馆水平仍是参差不齐。也是在国...



如何应对负面情绪 How to Deal With Negative Emotion

How to Deal With Negative Emotion Life is a journey. We will see different scenery and learn to grow up. Nobody can live easy life all the time, and they must have gone through some hard time. The one who can conquer the difficulty will be stronger. While those who can’t deal with the negative emotion will miss the beautiful scenery. Wise men can find the ways to remove bad mood. In the modern life, a lot of people do the same things every day, then the repeating routines are easy to frustrate them. They feel life is meaningful and why they have to sit in the office to work for a whole day. The negative emotion makes them lose themselves. At this time, they need to slow down their life pace. A trip is the best way to relax and forget about the annoyance. It opens your vision and helps you to find the answers. Talking to the families or friends is also a good way to relieve your bad emotion. We need someone to listen to us. With their support and caring, we will find the motiva...


“任何网络贷款机构都不允许向在校大学生发放贷款”。近日,教育部相关人士在新闻发布会上明确回应校园贷问题,明令禁止“校园网贷”,鼓励正规商业银行开办针对大学生的小额信用贷款,引发社会关注。 前不久,陕西21岁大学生小朱因无法偿还校园贷而跳江自杀,成为这一灰色金融形式酿成的又一悲剧。而每一起因校园贷引发的不幸背后,都事关学子的前程和家庭的命运。现实中,非法校园贷以互联网金融和社交工具为平台,锁定在校学子为诈骗对象。“零门槛”“无抵押”“高额度”等宣传遍布陷阱,让大学生一经借贷便深陷其中。这种病态模式和恶劣影响,早已超出金融领域,成为备受关注的社会话题。因此,相关部门及时厘清边界、扫除校园贷的灰色地带,可说是适逢其时。 校园贷沦为“校园害”的背后,既有社会层面的问题,也有容易被忽略的教育命题。正如有人所言,我们的大学生还缺少财商教育。例如,金融被誉为“现代经济的核心和血液”,金融理财能力被称为“公民实现富裕幸福生活的基础”,金融常识这堂课应该在大学生中普及,尤其是网上借贷流行、电子支付普及的今天。试想,如果高校能够与时俱进,多一些金融常识方面的教育,在普及知识中提升学生的认识水平,在剖析案例中提升学生的防骗能力,在培养财商中提升学生的理财才能,那么学生哪怕看不穿校园贷的套路,也会有所警惕。目前,教育部已要求各高校重视金融知识教育,加强对不良校园贷的警示教育,无疑具有鲜明的现实针对性。非法校园贷走了,但换个马甲的新骗局还可能登场。加强财商教育,就相当于为大学生披上抗击诈骗的盔甲。 业内人士认为,非法校园贷潜滋暗长的原因主要有三方面:一是借贷机构用较低的门槛诱骗学生上当;二是大学生金融知识匮乏;三是虚荣心所致。就此而言,大学生在学习金融常识的同时,也需要提升自我管理能力。当收入满足不了消费、能力撑不起欲望,该怎么办?面对捉襟见肘的经济状况,是否非要进行超出自身能力的高消费?这就需要学会自我管理、自我驾驭和自我克制。良好的自我管理能力,是成长成才不可或缺的重要因素;如果不善于自我管理,就会最终迷失自我。 “花明天的钱,圆今天的梦。”贷款消费已成时代潮流,不必给合理追求贴标签,更不应被妖魔化。当非法校园贷被禁绝,也应增加合法借贷资源的供给。据报道,目前已有多家银行开办针对大学生小额信用贷款的业务。金融机构在防范金融风险的同时,不妨在简化程序、降低门槛方面做好文...

The panda washed his hair by himself

So cute!The panda washed his hair by himself!

从小美到大 Being Beautiful All the Time

Being Beautiful All the Time The story of an ugly swan becomes beautiful as it grows up telling people not to judge others by appearance. Most kids especially girls look homely but they turn to be beauties as they become adults. But some people are exceptions because they look beautiful all the time. For the celebrities, they like to show the audience with their pictures as they are small, which proves that they are naturally beautiful, instead of doing the plastic surgery. Like Natalie Portman, the famous actress and winning the Oscar Award for Black Swan became famous in her 13. The audience grew up with her and watched her became more and more beautiful. But what makes people surprised is that Portman studied at the top university. She is a smart girl with beautiful face. Only the talent can help a person shinning all the time. Translate: 翻译:

淘气的侄女 My Naughty Niece

My Naughty Niece My sister got married two years ago and now her daughter is one year old. Last week, my sister was busy and she asked me to take care of her child for half a day. I said yes without hesitation because I thought it would be very easy, but later it turned out to be wrong. My niece was moving all the time. As she was too young to walk, so she crawled everywhere, then I needed to focus my attention all the time. Once she was out of my sight, then something bad would happen. Though I sat at the table, I could do nothing, it was so tired. When my sister was back, I felt relieved, raising a child is never an easy work. Translate: 翻译:

Chinese Kung fu

Chinese Kung fu Kung fu performance of Chinese college students in 2017.They are the best!

孩子的认知 A Child’s Recognition

 A Child’s Recognition People must be wondering about how a little child can know the parents’ feelings. In fact, though they are small, even can’t walk, they are indeed smart. The children will watch their parents’ reaction. If the parents get angry, they know that they can’t do it again. If the parents get nervous, then the children will repeat the action to catch attention. Translate: 翻译:

非英语节目越来越受欢迎 Non-English Language Shows Are More Popular

The Hollywood culture is favored by the world. Every year, the movies produced by Hollywood always win both money and fame. In recent years, the US TV series are also popular and catch more fans. The English language shows become the winners all the time. But non-English language shows are starting to arise. The most famous non-English language movies are Indian movies. Because of the Bollywood, which came before Hollywood, Indian movies are produced well and have its own feature. Besides, more TV series of non-English language is popular around the world. The Swedish show Skam is the hottest, and a lot of Chinese young fans are so crazy about it. Watching the show is a good way to learn the language and culture. It is a good trend for people to pay attention to various cultures. Today, as the world gets globalized, it is important to know more about the world and broaden our vision. Though what we learn from the non-English language shows is limited, it is better than not to wa...