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Showing posts from May 24, 2020

Introduction to Chinese Government Scholarships

Introduction to Chinese Government Scholarships muTu's Note - Read and Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes In order to promote the mutual understanding, cooperation and exchanges in various fields between China and other countries, the Chinese government has set up a series of scholarship programs to sponsor internation al students, teachers, and scholars to study and conduct research in Chinese universities. China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC), entrusted by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as MOE), is responsible for the enrollment and the administration of Chinese Government Scholarship programs. Now, 289 designated Chinese universities offer a wide variety of academic programs in science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, economics, legal studies, management, education, history, literature, philosophy, and fine arts for scholarship  recipients at all levels. I   CHINESE GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMS 1

Do You Like Early Morning Walk

Do You Like Early Morning Walk muTu's Note - Read and Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes One morning I got up early so I went outdoors for a change. It was so early when I left home that the streets were deserted. Without the usual crowds and traffic 一天早晨我起床很早,就到户外去散步。我离家的时候太早,路上几乎无人。没有通常的人流和车流,一切都是那么安静。 我向公园走去,惊讶地发现那儿已经有许多人了。有的在打太极拳或晨练,有的静静地坐在长椅上,还有人在喂鸽子,让它们上下扑腾。一两个小时之后,我离开公园回家,感到清新愉快,充满活力。突然,一个英语谚语在我的脑海里出现:“早睡早起使人健康、富裕、聪明。”我相信如此 。 Tips: There are Chinese translations here, but they are hidden. you need to leave your own translation or other content in the comment box and Refresh to view it. The wind blew softly and the air was so fresh. 风轻轻地吹着,空气也十分新鲜。 It was great when I enjoyed the quiet moment of mine. 当我享受一个人的宁静时光的时候,真是棒极了。 from WordPress

What is your view of tradition

What is your view of tradition muTu's Note - Read and Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes Many people, especially the aged hold the idea that we should stick to the traditions of our country; otherwise, they think we will lose our distinctive 许多人,尤其是上了年纪的人,认为我们应该坚守我国的传统,否则我们就会丧失中国的特色。在他们看来,我们应该对祖先遗留下来的传统引以为豪,我们应该保持这些古老的传统以便我们区别于其他民族。 但是,有许多人强烈反对此观点,他们认为我们不应拘泥于自己的传统。对于那些阻碍社会发展的传统,我们应毫不犹豫地摒弃。另一方面,通过国际间的交流,,传统也可以得到改善。我们不应盲目崇拜自身传统,相反,应该勇敢地吸收其他国家有价值的传统。只有这样,我们的社会才能正常发展,我们也才能改善自身的传统。 Tips: There are Chinese translations here, but they are hidden. you need to leave your own translation or other content in the comment box and Refresh to view it. from WordPress

No Water No Life

No Water No Life muTu's Note - Read and Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes Water is extremely important for all living things as well as human beings. It is quite difficult to imagine what life would be like without water. 水对于人类以及所有生物至关重要。很难想象,如果没有水,生命如何延续。因此,人们说没有水就没有生命,水对于世界上一切生物都是不可或缺的。 众所周知,尽管水覆盖了地球70%的表面,但是其中的90%不适合饮用,另一方面,水的分布也不均衡,有的地区水资源丰富,有的地方贫乏。随着工农业的发展,人类需要更多的水。更糟糕的是,一些地区的水资源被污染和浪费。由于这些原因,水的短缺已经成为一个严重的问题。 我们应该采取各种措施,更好地利用水,防止污染,使用过滤过的雨水或海水,全力以赴保护水资源。 Tips: There are Chinese translations here, but they are hidden. you need to leave your own translation or other content in the comment box and Refresh to view it. from WordPress

A Letter from Chinese to American

A Letter from Chinese to American muTu's Note - Read and Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes Glad to hear from you. You’re welcome to visit me in China in July. Don’t worry about communication problems. Lots of Chinese speak English well 亲爱的简: 很高兴收到你的信,欢迎你七月来到中国!不要担心交流问题。很多中国人英语讲得很好,我也很高兴为你介绍一些中国礼仪。 首先,当我们见面的时候,我们通常说“你好”或“嗨”,还会点头微笑。“你好”或“嗨”在英语中 的意思就是“Hello”或“Hi”。 在正式场合我们也握手。其次,如果你赞美一个中国人,你可能听到“谢谢”,也可能听到“不,过奖了”。这是表示谦逊的一种方式。再次,礼物通常是受欢迎的,但接受者可能会说“没必要”或是“太贵重了”。这也是由于中国式的谦逊。最后,在餐桌上,我们应当等长辈和主人起筷,或者等他们说“来,我们吃吧”。 我希望以上所说这些对你有益。祝你有一个快乐的旅程。 Tips: There are Chinese translations here, but they are hidden. you need to leave your own translation or other content in the comment box and Refresh to view it. from WordPress

Plans for Summer Vacation Holiday

Plans for Summer Vacation Holiday muTu's Note - Read and Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes The summer holiday is coming. Our class has had a discussion about what to do during the holiday. Many of us put forward our own ideas. 暑假就要来临了,同学们对在暑假里要做些什么展开了讨论,我们中的许多人都提出了自己的想法。 在这个问题上大家意见不一。一方面,有些同学建议暑假期间待在家里。他们认为这是一种经济舒适的度假方式。但这个建议不好的一面是他们是去了一次和外界交流的机会。另一方面,其他同学愿意出去旅行,因为旅途中他们可以开阔自己的视野。然而这样的度假方式花费很多,而且并不总是能够让人放松。 我愿意待在家里,帮助父母做些家务活,这样我就不会把大量的时间和金钱浪费在旅游上。 Tips: There are Chinese translations here, but they are hidden. you need to leave your own translation or other content in the comment box and Refresh to view it. from WordPress

Shortcuts in Painting

Shortcuts in Painting muTu's Note - Read and Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes Since many of his classmates went to various classes after school, Xiaoming decided to learn something, too. He chose painting. 小明的许多同学课后都报了各种学习班,于是小明决定也学点东西。最后他选择学习画画。爸爸听了他的决定很高兴,给他买了个模特,并且告诉他:“仔细观察模特,然后画在纸上,先画手,因为手比其他部分容易画。” 小明看了一会模特,又举起自己的手看了看。突然,他发现了一个画手的简单方法。他将左手沾满墨汁,再把手放在纸上,纸上立刻出现他的手印。“哇,太棒了!”小明对自己说。他爸爸回来后知道了这一切,很生气。可是小明对他自己的画和技巧感到自豪,宣称自己是个绘画天才,因为他所知道的画画捷径,连著名画家都不知道。 Tips: There are Chinese translations here, but they are hidden. you need to leave your own translation or other content in the comment box and Refresh to view it. from WordPress