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Showing posts from July 5, 2020

Diligence is the key to success

Diligence is the key to success muTu Note - Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes Diligence is the key to success. It means persistent work but does not mean that we are to exhaust ourselves all day and night without any rest. 勤奋是成功的关键。勤奋意味着坚持不懈的工作,但它并不意味着日夜竭尽全力而无休息地工作。勤奋的真谛在于为了自身的提高而合理地使用时间。 许多人非常迷信运气,这是非常错误的观点 。如果运气真的存在,它也不会青睐懒人。还有人认为自己远比他人聪明,因此无需努力工作。他们对自己的成功太有把握。但是,他们通常都会失望,因为很少 有人仅凭所谓的聪明就能获得成功。 实际上,时间总是匆匆流逝,一去不复返。真正聪明的人是那些懂得勤奋的重要性并且习于勤奋的人,他们依靠自己的努力走在通往成功的道路上。 Diligence is the key to success. It means persistent work but does not mean that we are to exhaust ourselves all day and night without any rest. The true meaning of diligence is the careful use of time for the purpose of self-improvement. Many people strongly believe in luck, which is a serious mistake. If luck does exist, it will never fall upon a lazybones. There are also some people who think that they are far superior to others in intelligence and therefore, do not need to study hard. They are sure about their success, but...

How to avoid quarrel with parents?

How to avoid quarrel with parents? muTu Note - Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes Some of us are having problems with our parents, as they often look into our school bags or read our diaries. How to avoid quarrel with parents? 由于有些父母经常翻看我们的书包或看我们的日记,一些同学和父母之间产生了一些问题。如何避免与父母的争吵? 这的确令人 。有些青少年对此厌烦以至于因此与父母争吵。然而,我想请你们不要担心。一方面,争吵解决不了任何问题;另一方面,你应该知道,父母们这么做是因为他们关心我们。他们只是想确保我们是安全的,并且在做正确的事情。是的,这样表示关心是一种错误的方式。但是,我们可以与他们交流。我们可以让他们理解,我们已经长大了,应该说服他们相信我们。只有以这种方式,我们才能阻止他们继续做这种事情。 Some of us are having problems with our parents, as they often look into our school bags or read our diaries. How to avoid quarrel with parents? It is really uncomfortable. Some teenagers are so upset that they quarrel with their parents because of this. However, I’d like to ask you not to be worried. For one thing, quarrels can’t solve any problems. Furthermore, you should know, our parents do this because they care about us. They just want to make sure that we are safe and do the right thing. Yes, it’s a wrong way to show ...

Theory and Practice

Theory and Practice muTu Note - Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes When talking about the importance of theory and practice, some people think the theory is rather empty and abstract, so we should try to practice a lot to obtain our goals 谈到有关理论与实践的关系,有人认为理论过于空洞和抽象,因此我们应该努力实践以达到我们的目标;还有人认为实践太过盲目,我们所需要的应该是高深的理论。 这两种观点分别有其缺点。前者只看到了实践的重要性,实际上,没有理论的时间就像没有引擎的骑车;后者则忽视了实践的重要性,无视实践的作用,这将会导致空洞的言语。 我们应该做的是把二者有机地结合起来。在实践过程中,我们应不断学习相关理论,使实践更加易行;在学习理论时,我们应该思考在什么情况下,我们可以把该理论付诸实施。 When talking about the importance of theory and practice, some people think the theory is rather empty and abstract, so we should try to practice a lot to obtain our goals; while others maintain that practice is too blind and what we really need is to understand profound theories. Both of these viewpoints have their own shortcomings. The former one only focuses on the importance of practice, but in fact, practice without the guidance of theory is just like a car without an engine. The latter ignores the importance of pract...