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For a country where many major holidays can be traced back thousands of years, Singles Day is a refreshingly recent invention. No one is quite sure exactly who first thought it up, but it definitely emerged as a student tradition in the mid-1990s. The most widely accepted story is that it emerged from the dorms of Nanjing University in 1993 when four single male students got together to discuss how to break free of the loneliness and monotony of single life. One suggested that because of the ones in the date, November 11 would be a good day on which to organize activities for singles.
zhōng guó de hěn duō chuán tǒng jié rì dōu kě yǐ zhuī sù dào shàng qiān nián yǐ qián , dàn guāng hùn jié què shì gè zuì jìn jǐ nián cái xīng qǐ de jié rì 。 méi rén néng què qiè shuō chū shì shéi xiān xiǎng chū le zhè gè jié rì , dàn néng gòu kěn dìng de shì tā zuì zǎo chū xiàn zài shàng shì jì jiǔ shí nián dài zhōng qī , shì dà xué shēng men de yī xiàng chuán tǒng 。 dà jiā gōng rèn de shuō fǎ shì ,1993 nián zài nán jīng dà xué de sù shè lǐ , yǒu 4 gè dān shēn nán shēng jù zài yī qǐ tǎo lùn rú hé bǎi tuō dān shēn shēng huó de gū dú hé fá wèi shí , qí zhōng yī gè jiàn yì shuō 11 yuè 11 rì qià hǎo shì sì gè shù zì 1 zǔ chéng de , jiù xiàng 4 gè guāng gùn , suǒ yǐ zhè tiān kě néng huì shì gè wéi guāng gùn men zǔ zhī huó dòng de hǎo rì zi 。
What started as an idea executed by a small group of friends gradually became a university tradition. Singles Day grew into something like the anti-Valentines day, a day China’s single young people – at first just men, but later single women adopted the tradition as well – could use as an excuse to get together and do fun stuff like visit karaoke bars together.
jiù zhè yàng , zhǐ shì yóu jǐ gè péng yǒu xiǎng chū lái de zhǔ yì màn màn biàn chéng le dà xué lǐ de yī xiàng chuán tǒng 。 guāng gùn jié , zhú jiàn fā zhǎn chéng yī gè yǔ qíng rén jié xiāng duì de jié rì , yī kāi shǐ shì dān shēn nán xìng de jié rì , hòu lái dān shēn nǚ xìng yě jiā rù qí zhōng , bǎ tā dàng zuò yī gè hé péng yǒu jù cān wán lè de jié rì 。
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The fact that the holiday went from local to national in less than two decades likely has a lot to do with China’s demographics and its culture. The country has a serious gender gap – by 2020 it will have 35 million more men than it does women. And because there’s immense family pressure on many young Chinese men and women to find a suitable partner and marry young, young people of both genders embraced the holiday as a kind of release.
guāng gùn jié néng zài duǎn duǎn èr shí duō nián de shí jiān lǐ cóng yī gè xiǎo zhòng jié rì chéng wéi yī gè quán guó fàn wéi nèi de jié rì hé zhōng guó de rén kǒu tè diǎn jí wén huà shì fēn bù kāi de 。 zhōng guó de nán nǚ bǐ lì chā yì jiào dà , dào 2020 nián nán xìng rén kǒu jiāng bǐ nǚ xìng rén kǒu duō chū 3500 wàn 。 ér hěn duō nián qīng rén yòu chéng shòu zhe lái zì jiā tíng de “ cuī hūn ” yā lì , suǒ yǐ dān shēn nán xìng hé nǚ xìng dōu bǎ guāng gùn jié kàn zuò shì yī gè jiě tuō de jié rì 。
I say the holiday was about being with friends and having fun because, now, Singles Day is about shopping – mostly online shopping. How did an underground youth holiday go corporate? It’s a long story, but the short answer is Alibaba.
zài yǐ qián , guāng gùn jié jiù shì hé péng yǒu men yī qǐ chī hē wán , kě xiàn zài shuō dào guāng gùn jié , ràng rén xiǎng dào de jiù shì wǎng gòu 。 nà me , nián qīng rén de yī gè jié rì zěn me jiù zǒu xiàng shāng yè huà le ne ? zhè shuō qǐ lái huà cháng , dàn jiǎn dān shuō yuán yīn jiù shì ɑ lǐ bā bā 。
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By the late 2000s, Singles Day was well known enough that most of China’s internet users – who skew young and urban – were familiar with it. There might have been some small shops online and offline offering sales on that day earlier, but no major company bought into the holiday until Alibaba launched its first Singles Day online sale in 2009.
èr shí yī shì jì de tóu jǐ nián lǐ , zhōng guó dà duō shù wǎng mín yǐ jīng shú zhī guāng gùn jié le 。 nà shí hòu zài zhè tiān dào lái zhī qián , huì yǒu guī mó jiào xiǎo de wǎng shàng shāng diàn yǐ jí xiàn xià de shí tǐ diàn jǔ xíng dǎ zhé huó dòng , dàn yī zhí méi yǒu jiào dà de gōng sī cān yù , zhí dào 2009 nián ɑ lǐ bā bā dì yī cì zài guāng gùn jié jǔ xíng wǎng gòu huó dòng 。
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In that first year, Alibaba was the only major e-commerce company to offer a sale, and it featured just 27 brands offering discounts via its Tmall marketplace. The sale was definitely successful, but it wasn’t enough to redefine the holiday on its own.
zài zhè dì yī nián lǐ , zhǐ yǒu ɑ lǐ bā bā yī jiā diàn shāng qǐ yè jǔ xíng le dǎ zhé huó dòng , tiān māo shàng yě zhǐ yǒu 27 jiā pǐn pái cān yù huó dòng , dàn xiāo shòu é xiāng dāng kě guān 。 bù guò zhè yī rán bù zú yǐ chóng xīn dìng yì zhè gè jié rì 。
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2010 changed things, though. Alibaba went bigger, offering more brands and deeper discounts. But other companies had noticed the potential of the 2009 sales bonanza and decided to follow suit. E-commerce platforms like JD had their first major Singles Day sales in 2010, and overnight Singles Day went from a Tmall sale to something that was beginning to look like Cyber Monday in some western countries.
2010 nián gǎi biàn kāi shǐ le 。 ɑ lǐ bā bā rì yì zhuàng dà , huì jí le gèng duō de pǐn pái 、 tí gōng le gèng dà de zhé kòu 。 qí tā shāng jiā yě zài kàn dào ɑ lǐ bā bā 09 nián de chéng gōng hòu jué dìng xiào fǎng 。 bǐ rú diàn shāng píng tái jīng dōng 2010 nián dì yī cì zài guāng gùn jié jǔ xíng cù xiāo huó dòng 。 jiù zhè yàng , guāng gùn jié sì hū zài yī yè zhī jiān cóng tiān māo gòu wù jié kāi shǐ biàn de yǒu diǎn xiàng xī fāng guó jiā de wǎng gòu xīng qī yī ( zài měi guó , shāng diàn tōng cháng zài xīng qī yī liè chū dà zhé kòu de shāng pǐn , fā bù zài wǎng shàng , wèi le xī yǐn gù kè ) le 。
Over the next few years, Alibaba, JD, and other Chinese e-commerce players all expanded their one-day discounts, and sales grew exponentially. On Singles Day in 2012, for example, Alibaba’s marketplaces, Taobao and Tmall, did about US$3 billion in sales. In 2013 that number nearly doubled, and Chinese shoppers had obliterated America’s Cyber Monday spending records in just the first few hours of the sale. And it’s only getting bigger.
jiē xià lái de jǐ nián lǐ , ɑ lǐ bā bā 、 jīng dōng děng gè dà diàn shāng qǐ yè dōu jiā dà le zài guāng gùn jié dāng tiān de cù xiāo fàn wéi hé lì dù , xiāo shòu é yě chéng bèi zēng cháng 。2012 nián de guāng gùn jié , ɑ lǐ bā bā qí xià de táo bǎo hé tiān māo zǒng xiāo shòu é dá 30 yì měi yuán 。2013 nián gāi shù zì fān le yī fān , zhōng guó wǎng gòu mǎi jiā jǐn tóu jǐ gè xiǎo shí de xiāo shòu é jiù pò le měi guó wǎng gòu xīng qī yī de jì lù 。 ér qiě , zhè gè shù zì zhī huì yuè lái yuè dà 。
This year’s Singles Day online shopping bonanza is likely to break all the records set last year. If Alibaba can keep its pace, it may do more than US$10 billion in sales in 24 hours. That’s already pretty crazy, but the next step for Singles Day may be for it to set foot outside of the Middle Kingdom. The world, meet Singles Day.
jīn nián de guāng gùn jié wǎng gòu kuáng huān bì huì dǎ pò qù nián de jì lù 。 àn zhè gè shì tóu , ɑ lǐ bā bā jīn nián zài 24 xiǎo shí nèi de xiāo shòu é kě dá 100 yì měi yuán yǐ shàng 。 zhè yǐ jīng gòu fēng kuáng le , dàn ɑ lǐ bā bā bìng bù mǎn zú yú cǐ , ér shì jué dìng bǎ guāng gùn jié de wǎng gòu kuáng huān dài xiàng quán shì jiè 。
In an article about the company’s plans for Singles Day, Tmall CEO Wang Yulei wrote that Alibaba’s “core keyword” this year is globalization:
tiān māo CEO wáng yù lěi zài yī piān yǒu guān guāng gùn jié jì huà de wén zhāng zhōng tí dào le ɑ lǐ bā bā jīn nián wǎng gòu kuáng huān de guān jiàn cí “ quán qiú huà ”。
We want consumers to be able to buy products from all over the world, and Chinese people all across the world to be able to buy the products they need.
“ wǒ men xiǎng ràng xiāo fèi zhě mǎi dào shì jiè gè dì de shāng pǐn , yě xiǎng ràng shì jiè gè dì de zhōng guó rén dōu néng mǎi dào tā men xū yào de dōng xī 。”
Amazon China, too, is making moves towards taking the holiday global. Even JD is looking at the international market in the long run.
yà mǎ xùn zhōng guó yě jì huà zài guāng gùn jié de cù xiāo huó dòng zhōng dǎ “ guó jì pái ”。 lián jīng dōng yě kāi shǐ cóng cháng yuǎn kǎo lǜ guó jì shì chǎng 。
Of course, there’s still a long way to go before Singles Day is a truly global phenomenon, and it may never get there.
dāng rán ràng guāng gùn jié de wǎng gòu kuáng huān quán qiú huà kě néng hái xū yào zǒu yī duàn hěn cháng de lù , yě yǒu kě néng yǒng yuǎn bù huì quán qiú huà 。
But the commercial aspects of the holiday are already big enough to be of interest to the global Chinese diaspora, and where it spreads from there is anyone’s guess.
dàn shì guāng gùn jié de kuáng huān xiàn zài yǐ jīng kuò zhǎn dào le zhōng guó de huá rén , ér tā jiāng jì xù xiàng nǎ lǐ kuò zhǎn , méi rén cāi dé dào 。
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