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Chinese fable: 井底之蛙The Frog In The Well

Chinese fable: 井底之蛙The Frog In The Well muTu Note - Learn Chinese with Chinese Girl

Chinese fable: 井底之蛙The Frog In The Well

There was once a frog who made his home in a shallow well. One day he met a turtle from the East Sea.

“I’m extremely happy!” the frog told the turtle. “When on the ground, I would leap up and down the railing of the well. When I’m tired, I would rest on the broken bricks.”

“Back in the water, I would swim with only my head above the surface. When I walk in the mud, I would bury my feet. I look back at the worms, crabs, and tadpoles who share my well. They can’t be as happy as I am.”

“The pool of water belongs to me because the well is mine. This is the greatest pleasure!” the frog said proudly. “You should come to visit me sometime!”

The turtle went with the frog to the shallow well. Lifting his right foot, he tried to enter the well. But it got stuck even before he could extend his left one, so he leisurely retreated.

Rather amused, the turtle said, “I can’t tell you how vast the East Sea is, for it is beyond measure. However, the flood doesn’t increase its depth the least bit, and drought can’t make it lose an inch. Its depth does not change with time, nor does it change with the amount of rainfall. This is its greatest pleasure!”

On hearing the turtle, the frog was dumbfounded.








Cóngqián yǒu zhǐ qīngwā, zài qiǎnjǐng lǐ jūzhù. Yītiān, tā yùjiàn yī zhǐ cóng dōnghǎi lái de dà biē (wūguī).

Jǐng wā duì dà biē shuō:`Wǒ zhēnshi lè tòule! Gāoxìng shí, biàn zài jǐng lán shàng tiàoyuè. Píjuàn shí, jiù tǎng zài pò zhuān shàng xiūxí.

Huí dào shuǐ lǐ, wǒ zhǐshì lùchū wǒ de tóu yóuyǒng. Tiào dào ní lǐ, wǒ zé máimò wǒ de shuāng tuǐ. Wǒ huítóu kàn kàn jǐng lǐ de chì chóng, xiè hé kēdǒu. Tāmen kěbù jí wǒ kuàilè ne!

Jǐng shuǐ shì wǒ de, yīnwèi zhè kǒu jǐng shǔyú wǒ, zhè jiùshì zuìdà de xǐlè a! Nǐ yǒu kòng bùfáng lái tànwàng wǒ. ‘

Dà biē tīngle, jiù gēnzhe jǐng wā rùjǐng lǐ, zěn zhī zuǒ jiǎo hái wèi shēn jìnqù, yòu jiǎo yǐjīng bàn zhùle, yúshì biàn cóngróng de tuìle chūlái.

Dà biē gěi dòulèle, biàn duì qīngwā shuō:`Dōnghǎi de dà, wǒ wúfǎ gěi nǐ miáo, yīnwèi nà shì wúfǎ cèliáng de. Shuǐzāi jì bùnéng zēngjiā tā de shēndù, hànzāi yě bùnéng jiǎnshǎo tā yī cùn. Tā de shēndù, shì bù huì yīn shíjiān de chángduǎn, huò liǎng liàng de duōshǎo ér yǒu suǒ gǎibiàn. Zhè jiùshì dōnghǎi zuìdà de xǐlè a!’

Jǐng wā tīngle, jīngyà dé dāi yībiān.

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