Shenzhen increase public baby care and breastfeed facilities muTu Note - Learn Chinese with Chinese Girl
The southern Chinese city of Shenzhen(深圳) hopes to increase public baby care and breastfeeding facilities to 1,000 by the end of the year, an 18 percent rise above the existing 845, the Shenzhen Women’s Federation has said.
Baby care rooms(育婴室 yù yīng shì) in the city usually contain at least a seating area, a diaper(尿布 niào bù) changing station, a sink(水槽 shuǐ cáo) and a mirror(镜子 jìng zi). Some are extra equipped with a microwave(微波炉 wēi bō lú), a feeding bottle warmer and a sterilization facility(灭菌设备 miè jūn shè bèi). In 2019, the largest nursing room opened its doors at Shenzhen International Airport.
Shenzhen, which is ranked fourth among the world’s most economically competitive cities, is the first around the country to include the construction(建设 jiàn shè) of baby care facilities in its women’s development planning, according to the China News Service. The facilities have mostly been built within parks, transportation hubs(交通枢纽 jiāo tōng shū niǔ), hospitals, places of public entertainment(公共娱乐场所 gōng gòng yú lè chǎng suǒ) and business centers(商业中心 shāng yè zhōng xīn).
Shenzhen is just one of the examples of China’s response to the United Nations’ advocacy of breastfeeding(母乳喂养 mǔ rǔ wèi yǎng) and gender(性别 xìng bié) equality(平等 píng děng). The country released a law on maternal and infant healthcare in 2001 and cities drafted their local regulations to help build private areas for breastfeeding. In some enterprises, baby rooms have also been opened for staff members(职员 zhí yuán).
As it strives to become a child-friendly city, Shenzhen is building or renovating(翻新 fān xīn) more child care facilities in hospitals, libraries and parks.
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