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What does the Chinese tattoo on a star mean?

What does the Chinese tattoo on a star mean? muTu Note - Learn Chinese with Chinese Girl

Have you ever seen a Chinese tattoo around you? In the eyes of some people, tattoos are hobbies and commemorations, while in others, tattoos are indecent. But no matter how you recall, have you ever seen Chinese tattoo around you?


What does the Chinese tattoo on a star mean?

It’s hard to beat Justin Bieber in this list we’ve put together. The Canadian pop star has 曲(qǔ) meaning music in traditional Chinese characters.

Rapper Nicki Minaj has 上帝与你常在 ‘may god always be with you’.

Look no further than the man himself, football star David Beckham.

Beckham has in traditional Chinese characters 生死有命 ‘life and death in destiny’ 富贵在天 ‘Rich in the sky’. It’s actually a proverb meaning… ‘Death and life have determined appointments; Riches and honours depend upon heaven’.


Captain America, I mean Chris Evans had what he believed to be ‘family’ tattooed on his right bicep. Unfortunately, 氏(shì) is the character used after a husband’s family name to address a married woman.
美国队长Chris Evans在右臂肱二头肌上文了个汉字“氏”,他还以为这个字的意思是“家庭”。遗憾的是,氏一般加在丈夫的姓后面用来称呼已婚女士。


Actress Angelina Jolie has a bit of a dark Chinese character meaning ‘death’. You read that right! Death! She also rocks the Chinese dragon tattoo on her left arm.


What does the Chinese tattoo on a star mean?


The calligraphy that comprises Chinese tattoos is linguistically superior to all other written languages.


Each divine character contains a captivating level of depth that naturally showcases a suave personality. Some of these tantalizing characters intrinsically indicate more meaning that complete sentences in English. As a result, this exotic ink format allows for discreet statements and slyly distinct philosophical messaging.


Another avenue for Chinese tattoos involves utilizing quotes from the area’s greatest thinkers. These masters include Laozi and Confucius. Their ingenious ideas are still relevant to modern minds, and they can rapidly strike a chord with the masses.




Chinese Tattoo Designs With Horse



What does the Chinese tattoo on a star mean?






calligraphy [kəˈlɪɡrəfi] n 书法
suave [swɑːv] adj 精明练达的;圆滑的
tantalize [ˈtæntəlaɪz] v 逗引;招惹;使干着急
strike a chord with 引起同情(或共鸣)
masses [mæsɪz] 群众;平民百姓

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