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Wuhan’s 1,800-year-old Yellow Crane Tower to launch night tours

Wuhan’s 1,800-year-old Yellow Crane Tower to launch night tours muTu Note - Learn Chinese with Chinese Girl

Wuhan’s iconic Yellow Crane Tower(黄鹤楼,huáng hè lóu) will offer evening tours as the city looks to boost its nighttime economy(夜间经济,yè jiān jīng jì) and tourism after bringing the COVID-19 epidemic under control.

Wuhan's 1,800-year-old Yellow Crane Tower to launch night tours

Night tours will be available from October 1 to 8 during the National Day(国庆节,guó qìng jié) and Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋节,zhōng qiū jié) holidays, which usually see a spike in domestic travel.

Visitors can ascend the tower to appreciate the night views(夜景,yè jǐng) as well as a light show(灯光秀,dēng guāng xiù), which will be staged at the historic building and along the Yangtze River(长江,cháng jiāng) every night during the period, according to organizers.

The show, entitled “Ascending the Yellow Crane Tower at Night,” will adopt advanced techniques to incorporate multimedia(多媒体,duō méi tǐ) elements, such as lights, sounds, and animated projections, with live performances(现场表演,xiàn chǎng biǎo yǎn) of classic arts.

“[The show] is offering visitors an immersive experience(沉浸式体验,chén jìn shì tǐ yàn) and a unique cultural landscape of the ancient legacy,” said the show’s director Liu Fei.

Perched on Snake Hill beside the Yangtze River, the 1,800-year-old tower often appeared in ancient Chinese literary works(文学作品,wén xué zuò pǐn) and is one of the Four Great Towers(四大名楼,sì dà míng lóu) in China. It has been destroyed and rebuilt(重建,chóng jiàn) many times in its long history, and was most recently renovated in 1985.

The ancient building is among the major tourist attractions(旅游景点,lǚ yóu jǐng diǎn) in Wuhan, capital of central China’s Hubei province, that have scrapped tickets for domestic visitors as a token of gratitude for nationwide assistance(援助,yuán zhù) during the city’s fight with COVID-19.

Hubei last month announced it would open its key scenic spots to domestic visitors free of charge until the end of 2020, aiming to revive(振兴,zhèn xīng) the province’s virus-hit tourism industry.

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